The Glenn Robert Masson (GRM) Lab is interested in how nutrient deprivation impacts cancer cells, or, more specifically, how amino acid starvation triggers the Integrated Stress Response via the protein kinase GCN2.

We investigate this process in human tissues, cells, and at an atomic level using structural biology. One way we work on this problem is through Hydrogen Deuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry (HDX).

We also develop small molecule drugs to target GCN2.

We are based at the Division of Cancer Research University of Dundee at the School of Medicine, and we are also associated with the Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology Division at the School of Life Sciences in Dundee.

We are always interested in enthusiastic post-docs or students working with us.

Contact Glenn if you’re interested in joining our lab.


BMSS Structural SIG

The Lab looks forward to hosting the British Mass Spectrometry Society’s Biomacromolecular Structure Structural Interest Group on October 24th and 25th! A workshop and conference will highlight the latest advances in instrumentation and data analysis Read more…